Thursday, January 3, 2013

The End of Your Life Book Club

If you are any kind of reader, I have some advice for you. Stop whatever it is that you are doing for the rest of the day and run to the bookstore to pick up a copy of The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe. Come home,put on your favorite jammy pants and fuzzy socks and snuggle in for a life-changing read. Well, what are you still doing here? Okay, okay- I suppose you can read this post first.

I read much,much more fiction than non-fiction. I always have and probably always will. I do not usually read a non-fiction book without a fervent recommendation from a friend. When I saw my Goodreads buddies all rating this with five stars, I knew that I must jump on the ole bandwagon and read this book. I am so glad that I did.

The author of this book and his mother, Mary Anne, begin a book club to pass the time as she is treated for terminal pancreatic cancer. Both the author and his mother were avid readers, but had never intentionally read the same books and discussed them. It is through their shared love of books and this book club that the two become incredibly close and learn things about the other that they never before knew. This was one of the most profoundly moving books that I have ever read and the author's love of his incredible mother and his great love of books is evident in every, single page. A bonus to this book is that they read so many amazing books that the reader can then read after this book(the author was kind enough to leave an appendix at the end of the book). In essence, you can become a member in the "End of Your Life Book Club" and compare your thoughts to theirs.

Absolute favorite quote of the book - "Mom taught me to make a difference in the world and that books really do matter:they're how we know what we need to do in life, and how we tell others."

And I will leave you with this(yet another) word of advice- Have a tissue handy for the end of the book. Happy reading, my friends!


  1. Guess I know what I'm reading next!

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