Friday, March 28, 2014

ARC review: The Memory Child by Steena Holmes

Book Synopsis(via Goodreads):

When Brian finds out that his wife, Diane, is pregnant, he is elated. He's been patiently waiting for twelve years to become a father. But Diane has always been nervous about having children because of her family's dark past. The timing of the pregnancy also isn't ideal - Diane has just been promoted, and Brian is being called away to open a new London office for his company.

Fast-forward one year: being a mother has brought Diane a sense of joy that she'd never imagined and she's head over heels for her new baby, Grace. But things are far from perfect: Brian has still not returned from London, and Diane fears leaving the baby for even a moment. As unsettling changes in those around Diane began to emerge, it becomes clear that all is not as it seems.

A woman's dark past collides head-on with her mysterious present in this surreal and gripping family drama.

***Many thanks to Net Galley and Amazon publishing for providing me a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review. This novel was published on March 18, 2014.***

This insomniac's review:

This novel sucked me in from the very beginning. There is almost an immediate mystery of Diane's past and a burgeoning mystery of what is even happening in the present. I admit that I foresaw the "twist" and the ending was a bit too tidied up for me, but this was a great, suspenseful read!

***Do not read the next bit if you do not want to have a possible spoiler***
As a nurse and someone who had a very severe case of postpartum depression, myself, I feel that I must say that the portrayal of both cases of postpartum psychosis in this novel were extraordinarily extreme and unrealistic. I would hate to think that a pregnant or postpartum mother would be terrified by this novel and think it were anything but fiction. Also, who still uses electroshock therapy? This is, and should only be taken as, pure fiction.

Worth staying up all night to read?

Rating: 4 stars

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